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‹‹የአባቶቻችንን ትምህርት እናስተምራለን ፤ ተስፋቸውንም ተስፋ እናደርጋለን ፤ የምናምንባት ፣ የተማርናት ፣ ተስፋ የምናደርጋት ሃይማኖት ይህች ናት፡፡ እንኖርባታለን ፣ እንሞትባታለን ፤ በእግዚአብሔር ፈቃድ እንነሣባታለን›› ......"We teach the teachings of our forefathers; we hope for their hope; this is the religion in which we believe, from which we learn, and for which we hope. We live in it, we die in it; By God's will, we will rise"
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